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Health Testing

We guarantee our pups against genetic and congenital health defects.

Our adult dogs are all health tested before breeding. Below are what we test for:

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DNA Blueprinting


This test is taken in order to identify the genetic imprint of our dogs. It is a code completely unique for each dog. When a laboratory determines the genetic fingerprint of a dog, it actually determines the combination of alleles that the animal has for around twenty internationally validated markers (ISAG standard). For each of these markers, the dog has inherited one allele from his father and one allele from his mother. The comparison of the genetic fingerprint of your puppy with that of its two parents makes it possible to certify its filiation (proof of paternity and maternity).

The fingerprints are sent directly to the national purebred registry (Societé Centrale Canine) to be recorded, allowing puppy owners to prove the parentage of their dogs.

Degenerative Myelopathy (DM)

(Also called Chronic Degenerative Radiculomyelopathy)

Degenerative myelopathy (DM), also known as chronic degenerative radiculomyelopathy (CDRM), is a disease affecting the spinal cord, resulting in slowly progressive hind limb weakness and paralysis. The symptoms result from degeneration of the white matter of the spinal cord. DM is similar to some of the forms of human amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) more commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. A genetic mutation, SOD-1, has been identified as a major risk factor for DM. The condition is most common in middle-aged to older dogs, with a range from 4-14 years. It has been reported in young dogs on rare occasions. Both parents must be carriers of DM for a puppy to develope it later in life.

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Multi-Drug Resistance Gene (MDR-1)


Multi-Drug Resistance 1 (MDR1) is a gene that is meant for helping to protect the brain. This gene specifically codes for P-glycoprotein, which is responsible for transporting certain drugs out of the brain. If this gene is mutated, it will create a defective protein, and consequently, drugs will remain and build up in the brain to toxic levels. This dominant gene is inherited from the parents, whether the parent has two copies of the gene or only one copy. If neither parent has a copy of the mutated MDR1 gene, then nor will the offspring.

The dog with a mutated MDR gene will have increased sensitivity to certain drug molecules, including macrocyclic lactones (such as Ivermectin).

Petri Dish
Spongy Degeneration with Cerebellar Ataxia 1 & 2
(SDCA 1&2)


There is a high incidence of hereditary degenerative diseases of the central nervous system in purebred dogs. Cerebellar Ataxia in Malinois puppies, caused by degenerative changes that predominate in cerebellar nuclei and the granular cell layer, is a hereditary disorder. The first signs appear before the age of two months. It is reported that the signs can be usually observed between 4.5 and 8.5 weeks of age. The affected dogs show a characteristic gait with hind limbs held wide apart to maintain the stability and improve the coordination of leg movement. There can be observed further signs such as stumbling, tremor, loss of stability, jumping about, staggering and falling. In some dogs, muscular spasm may occur triggered by stress situations or exercise activities. The prognosis usually leads to euthanizing of the affected dog. SDCA1 is a recessively inherited disease. The disease develops in dogs which inherit the mutated gene from each parent.

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Hip & Elbow Dysplasia  /  Spinal Spondylosis

Hip and elbow dysplasia are one of the most common skeletal diseases in dogs. When it happens, the ball and socket of the hip or elbow joints has abnormal growth with insufficient coverage, which in turn makes the joint become loose and unstable. Long-term joint issues cause scar tissue around the joints. Bone spurs can develop, and the pain associated with it increases with time. The symptoms of hip dysplasia and symptoms of elbow dysplasia vary, some clear cut signs of the problem include:

  • Obvious pain or limping

  • Decreased range of motion in hips and rear legs

  • Audible clicking sound when walking

  • Slowing down when they had not been slow before

  • Reluctance in being active such as climbing stairs or jumping up

Dilution (D Locus)

The "Blue" Gene


Basecoat colors are lightened (diluted) to paler shades. For example, black becomes a gray-blue color (often called "blue" by breeders). In the Blue/Silver colour, the dog's coat, but also the skin, have a dark to light grey colour. Depending on the base colour, certain dilution effects of the colour occur. The recessive d-allele on the D-locus (dilution) causes the optical dilution of the base colour. Here, a mutation-related loss of the MLPH gene leads to disturbances in the pigmentation of skin and hair. Not only is color dilution ("blue") against FCI breed standard, the dilution mutation can also lead to severe health problems such as Colour Dilution Alopecia (CDA - dilution colour-related hair loss). Color dilution alopecia (CDA) is a genetic recessive inherited condition that causes patches of hair thinning or loss, and may also include flaky and/or itchy skin. The condition is associated with individuals who have what is called “dilute” color, and is most commonly seen in dogs with a blue or fawn coat. These puppies are born with a normal looking hair coat, and the symptoms of CDA may begin to manifest at 6 months of age or older. CDA is not curable, therefore it is important for responsible breeders to test their dogs and avoid this occurrence altogether.

Contact us


08701, New Jersey - USA

For information, contact our breeder in France:

Tel: 011+33+(0)766447221

1400h - 1900h Paris Time

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